Tuesday, June 12, 2012

ALISMA (Alisma plantago-aquatica L.)

ALISMA (Alisma plantago-aquatica L.) +

Synonym — Alisma orientale (Sam.) Juz.
Activities (Alisma) — Antidote, opium (f; WO2); Antipyretic (f; DAA); Astringent (f; GMH;
LMP); Diaphoretic (f; DAA; GMH); Diuretic (2; DAA; FAD; GMH; WO3); Hemostat (f; GMH);
Hepatoprotective (1; PEP; WO3); Hypocholesterolemic (f; PEP; PH2); Hypoglycemic (f; PEP;
PH2); Hypotensive (1; PH2; WO3); Irritant (1; FAD); Lactagogue (f; LMP); Lipotropic (f; PEP);
Litholytic (f; WO2); Natriuretic (f; PEP); Rubefacient (1; FAD); Sterilant (f; DAA); Stomachic (f;
LMP); Tonic (f; LMP); Vulnerary (f; WO2).
Indications (Alisma) — Aphrodisiac (f; DAA); Ascites (f; DAA); Back (f; DEM); Beriberi (f;
DAA); Bleeding (f; GMH); Bruise (f; FAD; GMH; WO2); Calculus (f; GMH); Cancer (f; WO2);
Cancer, stomach (f; WO2); Cardiopathy (f; DEM); Catarrh (f; FAD); Childbirth (f; DEM);
Cholecystosis (f; PHR); Chyluria (f; DAA); Constipation (f; DEM); Cramp (f; DEM); Cystosis
(f; DAA); Debility (f; DEM); Diabetes (f; DAA; LMP); Diarrhea (f; FAD); Dropsy (f; DAA;
LMP); Dysentery (f; GMH; WO2); Dysuria (1; DAA; FAD); Edema (1; DAA; FAD); Enterosis
(f; DAA); Epilepsy (f; GMH); Fever (f; DAA; GMH); Flu (f; DEM); Frigidity (f; DAA); Gastrosis
(f; DEM; WO2); Gonorrhea (f; DAA); Gout (f; WO2); Gravel (f; FAD; GMH); Heartburn (f;

DEM); Hematuria (f; DAA); Hepatosis (1; WO3); High Blood Pressure (1; PH2; WO3); High
Cholesterol (f; PEP; PH2); Hydrophobia (f; WO2); Hyperglycemia (f; PEP; PH2); Induration (f;
WO2); Infertility (f; DAA); Inflammation (f; WO2); Kidney Stone (f; DAA); Leprosy (f; DAA);
Leukemia (f; WO2); Nephrosis (f; DAA); Obesity (f; PEP); Polyuria (f; DAA); Rhinosis (f;
FAD); Snakebite (f; GMH); Sore (f; WO2); Stomachache (f; DEM); Stone (f; DAA; WO2);
Swelling (f; DAA; FAD; GMH); Toothache (f; WO2); Tuberculosis (f; DEM); Urethrosis (f;
PHR); UTI (f; PHR; WO3); VD (f; DAA; LMP); Venosis (f; DEM); Vertigo (f; WO3); Water
Retention (2; DAA; FAD; GMH; WO3); Wound (f; FAD; WO2).
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Alisma) — Class 2d. Prolonged use may
cause GI irritation and gastroenterosis (AHP). Doses 20–40 times higher than clinical dose
hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic in rats (AHP).“Hazards and/or side effects not known for proper
therapeutic dosages” (PH2) (but PH2 designates no specific quantified dosage! JAD). Rhizome,
most often used as a diuretic, should not be used when there is a clear, thin vaginal discharge.
May cause more than usual excretion of sodium and urea in healthy subjects (TMA). LD50
= >4 g/kg orl mouse (LMP).

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