Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Itamo Real

My second green friend I found sticking out of my teachers Oggun. A zigzag stemed plant latter introduced to me as Itamo Real. I soon came to realize my teacher had this plant growing in abundance around his home so I asked my teacher if I could have a piece. He kindly provided me with a cutting of both the male and female aspects of this plant. I was previously unaware there even was a difference. I learned something new...and my fascination with plants continued to grow, no pun intended. 

Scientific Name: Pedilanthus tithymaloides
Spanish Name: Itamo Real
English Name: Devil's Backbone, Jacob's Ladder

Care: This plant needs consistently moist soil to thrive, not wet or water logged which will induce disease. Drought conditions will cause this plant to wither and die back. Direct sun exposure will cause the stems and leaves to burn, recommend  partial sun or at least four hours of sun and four hours of shade. Decent house plant, thrives outdoors. Slow growing.

Note: This plant when clipped or cut produces a white milky substance that is toxic. If ingested it will induce vomiting.

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