Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Frescura also known as the artillery plant/fern

Scientific Name: Pilea microphylla
Spanish Name: Frescura
English Name: Artillery plant, Gunpowder plant

Essential plant used in Omiero.

Plant Name: When the seeds of a Mature artillery plant are ripe, they will explode into the air, hence the name, artillery plant.

- William Irizarry

Camphor plant

Camphor plant or Alcanfor

Scientific Name: Ocimum kilimanscharicum
Spanish Name: Alcanfor
English Name: Camphor, Camphor Basil

My Grandmother-In law was so KIND as to bring a piece of this with her from her last trip to Puerto Rico.

This camphor oil extract from this plant is what is used commercially to create "camphor". Camphor is a natural insect repellent more specifically moths. It has many medicinal uses such as; inflammation, skin irritations and many other Topical uses.