Monday, June 18, 2012

AMERICAN LIVERLEAF (Anemone acutiloba (DC.) G. Lawson)

AMERICAN LIVERLEAF (Anemone acutiloba (DC.) G. Lawson)

Synonym — Hepatica nobilis var. acuta (Pursh) Steyermark.
DEM gives mostly distinct uses for the round-lobed Hepatica var. obtusa (Pursh) Steyermark, the
data of which have not been entered here. DEM data below apply only to the sharp-lobed liverwort.
PH2 seems to have lumped the two American varieties with the European H. nobilis in saying that
it is a protected species in Austria, Germany, Hungary, Italy, etc. CEB treats three species (H.
acutiloba, H. americana, and H. nobilis) and gives some indications I had not seen elsewhere.
MAD seems to restrict his account to the European material, but as almost always, PH2 does not
bring forth much of the Madaus folklore.
Activities (American Liverleaf) — Analgesic (f; DEM); Antibacterial (1; HHB); Aperitif (f; FAD);
Astringent (f; EFS); Circulotonic (f; FAD); Contraceptive (f; DEM); Demulcent (f; FAD); Diuretic
(f; MAD); Emetic (f; DEM); Hepatotonic (f; FAD); Laxative (f; DEM); Litholytic (f; PH2); Pectoral
(f; CEB); Philtre (f; DEM); Tonic (f; HHB); Vulnerary (f; MAD).
Indications (American Liverleaf) — Anorexia (f; FAD); Bacteria (1; HHB); Bleeding (f; MAD);
Bronchosis (f; HHB); Cachexia (f; CEB); Cancer (f; JLH); Cancer, tonsil (f; JLH); Carcinoma (f;
JLH); Childbirth (f; DEM); Chill (f; CEB); Cough (f; CEB); Crosseye (f; DEM); Cystosis (f;
MAD); Diphtheria (f; MAD); Dyspepsia (f; CEB; DEM); Dyspnea (f; DEM); Endothelioma (f;
JLH); Enterosis (f; DEM); Enuresis (f; MAD); Epithelioma (f; JLH); Fracture (f; MAD); Gallstone
(f; PH2); Gonorrhea (f; MAD); Gravel (f; PH2); Hematuria (f; HHB); Hemoptysis (1; HHB);
Hepatosis (f; DEM; HHB; PH2); Hernia (f; CEB); Hypocholdria (f; CEB); Incontinence (f; MAD);
Induration (f; JLH); Inflammation (f; CEB); Jaundice (f; HHB; PH2); Laryngosis (f; MAD);
Leukorrhea (f; DEM); Mastosis (f; DEM); Myosis (f; DEM); Nephrosis (f; CEB; MAD); Ophthalmia
(f; DEM); Pain (f; DEM); Pharyngosis (f; MAD); Phthisis (f; CEB); Pulmonosis (f; CEB);

Sarcoma (f; JLH); Scabies (f; CEB); Side Ache (f; DEM); Sore (f; CEB); Sore Throat (f; HHB);
Stomatosis (f; DEM); Stone (f; PH2); Swelling (f; DEM); Tonsilosis (f; JLH; MAD); Tracheosis
(f; MAD); Tuberculosis (1; HHB); VD (f; MAD); Vertigo (f; CEB); Water Retention (f; MAD).
Dosages (American Liverleaf) — 100 g dry herb, 350 ml water, 450 ml alcohol (HHB); 4 tsp
(3.8 g) herb in cold extract (MAD); 2–4 g in tea as single dose (PH2); 2–8 ml liquid extract (PNC).
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (American Liverleaf) — Class 2b. High doses
may irritate kidneys and urinary tract (AHP). “Hazards and/or side effects not recorded for proper
therapeutic dosages” (PH2).

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