Tuesday, June 12, 2012

AIR PLANT, TREE OF LIFE (Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Oken) +

AIR PLANT, TREE OF LIFE (Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Oken) +

Synonym — Kalanchoe pinnata Pers.
Activities (Air Plant) — Analgesic (1; TRA); Antiaggregant (1; TRA); Antibacterial (1; TRA);
Anticancer (1; AAB); Antiedemic (1; TRA); Antiinflammatory (1; AAB; TRA); Antiplaque (1;
TRA); Antiprostaglandin (1; TRA); Antiseptic (1; TRA); Antispasmodic (1; TRA); Antitussive (1;
TRA); Choleretic (1; TRA); Cicatrizant (1; TRA); Cytotoxic (1; TRA); Diuretic (1; TRA); Emollient
(f; JFM); Expectorant (f; JFM); Fungicide (1; AAB; TRA); Hemostat (f; JFM); Immunomodulator
(1; TRA); Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor (1; TRA); Panacea (f; AAB); Spasmogenic (1; TRA); Vasoconstrictor
(1; TRA); Vulnerary (f; JFM).
Indications (Air Plant) — Athlete’s Foot (1; AAB); Bacteria (1; TRA); Bleeding (f; JFM);
Boil (f; JFM); Bronchosis (f; IED); Bruise (f; AAB; JFM); Bug Bite (f; JFM); Cancer (1;
AAB); Cold (f; TRA); Colitis (1; TRA); Congestion (f; JFM); Conjunctivosis (f; JFM); Cough
(f; TRA); Cramp (1; TRA); Debility (f; AAB); Dermatosis (f; JFM); Dysmenorrhea (1; TRA);
Dysuria (f; JFM); Enterosis (1; IED; TRA); Fever (f; IED); Flu (f; AAB); Fracture (f; IED);
Fungus (1; AAB; TRA); Gonorrhea (f; JFM); Headache (f; IED; JFM; TRA); Heartburn (f;
IED); Infection (1; AAB; JFM; TRA); Inflammation (1; AAB; TRA); Mastosis (f; AAB);
Migraine (f; IED); Mycosis (1; AAB; TRA); Ophthalmia (f; JFM); Otosis (f; JFM); Pain (1;
TRA); Pulmonosis (f; JFM); Sore (1; TRA); Sore Throat (f; AAB); Sprain (f; AAB); Swelling
(1; AAB; TRA); Urethrosis (f; JFM); VD (f; JFM); Water Retention (1; TRA); Wound (1;
Dosages (Air Plant) — 10 g leaf applied to forehead for headache (TRA).
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Air Plant) — Do not use more than 15 days
in a row. Not for pregnant, puerperal, or lactating mothers or small children (TRA).

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